INFO Curs Octubre 2013


5 i 6 d’OCTUBRE

Nivell: tots els nivells. També iniciació.
Hores: 14h (12 h  de classe + 2 h de Jam)
Preu: 60 euros. (70 després de setembre)

Oferim lloc per dormir a les cases dels de Lleida. (places limitades. Ordre d’incsripció)


The fascia, the connective tissue that surrounds everything, the “form organ”of our body, this bag of liquids inside which our bones, muscles, internalorgans, blood vessels, nervous system are all floating.
This is a 3 dimensional web network going continuously from head to feet,from front to back, and assists in structural stability, protection and support, shock absorption, allow tissue regeneration, and enables balancedmovement as one body.
From my experience and the experience of students, understanding and experiencing this system creates a material change in the perception of body movement, allowing to find rest and relaxation in our bodies’ everyday conduct, as therapists, dancers, and human beings.
In this workshop we will get to know the fascia theoretically and mostly practically/experientially, and will find ways to meet it in movement, in solo and with a partner. We will move from the fascia, move the fascia, move with the fascia, and utilize the fascia for movement. All in a balanced, gentle, and free way. And of course will also find connections and cross influences between the physical and emotional movement.
The workshop is for everyone – dancers, therapists, and others, who wish to deepen their acquaintance with their own body, and the possibilities of movement that are embedded in it. No need for prior knowledge.

Lior Ophir (Israel) 

He is a Dancer, Improviser, Performance Artist, Musician, Shiatsu therapist, Engineer, Teacher, Student.
Since the late 90’s Lior practices and explores various forms of movement, dance, body/mind and awareness, including: Improvisation, Contact Improvisation, Butoh, Contemporary Dance, Shiatsu Therapy, Yoga, Vipassana Meditation, Tai-Qi, Qi-Kong. His performance work and teaching are influenced by these disciplines.
Lior has been performing in solo works as well as in collaborations with various artists, in theaters, galleries and in the public space, in Israel and throughout the world. He has been teaching in Israel, Japan, Germany, Italy, France, Spain, Catalonia, Netherlands, Switzerland, Hungary, Romania, Russia, Ukraine, Argentina, Brasil, and more.
Lior currently lives in the little village of Udim in Israel, cares for his vegetable garden, teaches and performs.


Dissabte 5/10:
11.00 - 13.00 / 15.00 - 19.00 / 20:00 – 22:00 jam
Diumenge 6/10:
10:00 – 13:00 / 15:00 – 18:00

LLOC: Escola Ciutat Jardí de Lleida.


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